Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Politics (Part 1)

I know this is a Grand Topic to start with. In truth if I wanted to talk politics I could finish that 500 page book I started when i was 16. So to start I will try not to overwhelm anyone, myself included, and just discuss my opinions in small doses. So today's discussion is on the party system. To begin I DO NOT believe in our 2 party system. Our system has become a bastardized system of jargon and labels designed to confuse everyone and in truth I doubt anyone knows what they are supporting. People in influence (wealthy, politicians, etc...) have an agenda and therefore when they speak to the public they create emotional situations to justify what they want.  All anyone has to do is look up the facts of ANY statement a politician claims, to include motivation behind said statement, and they can see where the truth really lays. In truth if you believe ANY politician is your "Golden Savior" then you have probably already tasted the cool-aide.
Politicians are really the "lesser-of-two-evils". To support one you need to decide who represents the most of your interests (lets face it... No One can represent everyone's interest 100% of the time).  In truth I prefer a politician who is willing to cross party-lines to reach a consensus on important issues.  Where the "Party System" has gone wrong is people are sticking to a specific party and anything outside their party is wrong/evil.  Do you REALLY believe that Half our country are evil or should be exiled?  Believe it or not that is the impression I hear in group conversations.
So to sum it all up. DO NOT trust your politicians, but if your have to support vote with your mind not your emotions. Do not be afraid to select a Congressman from the left and a Senator from the right. This country was built on compromise and in a Civil War only Americans lose. 

Where are you going with this?

      Over the last year I have been isolating myself from the News and, more importantly, social media. As I listen to everyone around me t...