Sunday, July 2, 2023

Its not about you!!!

 I look back and realize it has been Two years since my last post. It's not as if I hadn't had any thoughts since then I think it is because every time I have one I don't feel so confident talking about it out loud. But as I grow older I find I no longer care how others feel about my thoughts. Whether I am right or wrong or you feel I am right or wrong does not sway who I am any longer. I have no intention of posting these ideas to any public forum (at the moment at least), I just need to say these ideas out loud. Unlike most people I see posting who want to be heard and agreed with, I don't see the need. WHY you may ask, well because I find that its no longer about Me or You. I am here, or not, and the world will continue to spin, the sun will continue to rise and people will continue to do whatever they want anyway. I also find that once something gets openly spoken about it just opens up hundreds of negative feedback. Is there really nothing truly positive out there any longer or do we just have too many people that that cant stand by without tearing down the world a little at a time. I choose to take myself out of this cycle because it appears broken. I can think, I can observe and I can act. If I see something I like there is no need for me agree (publicly) because good is good and truth is truth and my voice can not change that and doesn't need my approval. Alternately if it is wrong or evil, again my voice wont change it because good is good and truth is truth and arguing or disagreeing (publicly) only feeds the dark beasts and rarely will affect their beliefs ort statements so I ignore (my super power) and move on. I would like to see the world, or even people, act or evolve a certain way but then...  It's not about Me is it?

Where are you going with this?

      Over the last year I have been isolating myself from the News and, more importantly, social media. As I listen to everyone around me t...